Friday, May 21, 2010

Communication with Staff in Ethiopia

We at IAN feel that one of our biggest strengths is the “family” that has been created by adoptive parents. Parents of kids adopted from Ethiopia develop friendships and bonds with one another, and with the IAN staff, through the process. Like any positive relationship, it’s important to work hard at fostering healthy boundaries.

Recently, more and more families have been connecting with the staff in Ethiopia via email and facebook. This is a wonderful way to maintain contact once the children are home, however it has become an outlet for families to contact the Ethiopia staff directly with requests and questions about their adoption.

IAN’s policy guidelines state that families must work directly with their coordinator at the IAN United States office, not with the Ethiopian staff.

Being contacted directly by families greatly increases the workload on the Ethiopian staff, who are already so busy. Even those of us in the US office refrain from emailing more than once daily. IAN has worked very hard at creating a system within the agency to provide the best possible service to the families, and as the agency has grown by leaps and bounds, it is even more important to utilize the system we have in place.

Thank you for your respect on this matter. As always, our goal is to provide the best service possible to both children and families.

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