Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Great News!!!!

*The courts in Ethiopia are officially open today!!!

Announcing a referral accepted today!!!
Congratulations to the family who accepted a referral of an adorable toddler boy!! The lists move as followed:
Everyone moves up one if they are after-
Infant boy #27
Infant girl #49
Toddler boy #4
Toddler girl #15
Siblings #20

Waiting Child Referral Accepted!!!
Congratulations to the family who accepted a referral of a sibling group on our waiting child site yesterday!!
IAN has many children available for adoption on the "Waiting Child" page on our website (under Ethiopia). For more information, please contact Crystal in the office at 303-691-0808 or your coordinator.


The Rice Family said...

Congratulations to the families and children...such blessings to see forever families come together! God's Blessings!

kristen said...

So excited for the precious sibling group!! They were so very sweet:) And congrats to that lucky family!! xo kristen gilliss