Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thank You!!!!!


We would like to send a big THANK YOU out to the families who have provided donations to the Care Center and Ajuuja Orphanage.  The staff and children of Ethiopia are so grateful for your big hearts and efforts!!

Since October, Ethiopia has received the following donations at the Care Center/Ajuuja.  This list is separated by different groups that traveled to Ethiopia.
- Formula and medications.
- A large container of formula and several jackets for the worker going into the villages.
- Another large donation of formula, a bumbo chair and Children's Tylenol.
- Toys, formula, and a monetary donation for the staff to buy formula. (they ended up buying this $250 worth of it!!)
- A new water filtration system.
- Many handmade baby hats.
- Other miscellenious items such as baby clothes, small games, blankets, shoes etc.!!

And on it's way now:
- A bible (requested by Sister Almaz)
- Pants for the older kids.
- Vicks for children.
- 48 scrubs.
- More formula and rice cereal.

Thank you to all the families who donated, knitted, carried, built, and coordinated these donations for our children, staff and friends in Ethiopia.  

Have a wonderful day!!

~ IAN Staff and Kids

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