Friday, June 22, 2012

Referral Accetptance

We have great news today, a referral acceptance! A wonderful family has accepted the referral of a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations to the happy family!

List movement is below:

Infant girl: everyone after #10 move up one
Infant boy: everyone after #4 move up one
Family’s time on the waiting list: 1 year and 7 months

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ethiopia Child Sponsorship Program Announcement

Hello to All,

Please take a look in the Help Us / Sponsorship Programs / Ethiopia section of our website at the following link:

To view all of the new children that is now posted and waiting for wonderful sponsors to bring a little happiness and support into their little lives.

2012 Picnic Information

IAN Family Picnic 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012 • 11 am – 1 pm

Belleview Park, Pavilion #1 • East end of park

5001 S. Inca, Englewood, Colorado

Limited parking is available in the lot on the east side of the park,

additional spaces in the lot near the water park. 

Food provided by IAN through Smiling Moose Deli

Don’t Forget:

·        The attached waiver – Required for all picnic attenders!

·        Sunscreen

·        Extra water (IAN will provide bottled water, but more is always needed)

·        Swimsuits and towels for wading in the creek

·        $$ if you want to ride the train or visit the petting zoo

Please remember that the annual family picnic is a private, IAN sponsored event, and is for IAN families only.  By attending the event you are releasing IAN from any and all liability during the event. 

Questions?  Please call the IAN office at 303-691-0808

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Announcement List for Updates

Hello to all of our Wonderful Families,

IAN is making changes to improve its ability to communicate information to its families through the use of an Announcement List. This is a list of families that would like to receive information from IAN when IAN sends out an important update that would require more than just a posting to Facebook, Twitter, or the IAN Blog. These updates will come directly to the email address that you provide.

If you would be interested in receiving these updates please sign up at the following link:

This link is located in the family center section of our IAN Website under Announcement List Subscription. Please be advised you can unsubscribe at any time at the same location.

IAN also does not share your information with outside sources. The purpose of this list will be to get important information to IAN families.

Thank you very much for your patience while IAN makes changes to its online presence in order to better serve its families.

Friendly Reminder

Hello To Our Wonderful Families,

This is just a friendly reminder email about our Annual Picnic:


Who: All current and former IAN families and their children.

Where: Belleview Park, 5001 S. Inca, Englewood, Colorado

When: Saturday, June 23, 2012 11 am until 1 pm

What: IAN will provide lunch, families can come and enjoy beautiful Belleview park and reconnect with other adoptive families.

... Please RSVP via email to:

You must RSVP to ensure that we order a lunch for you. Please specify how many adults/children. Thank you!!

We look forward to seeing you there!

IAN External Media Site Closures

Hello to all our wonderful families. IAN has asked for feedback concerning online media and communication with its families online and how IAN can better serve its families and the response has been overwhelmingly there are too many sites, groups, blogs, etc…

IAN values the input of its families and therefore will be shutting down some of its online media in an effort to make receiving updates and online posts of information easier for families to keep track of.

IAN will be closing the following:

1.      IAN will be closing the Yahoo group as it is the least used media site for families and requires extra steps in order to become part of the group.

2.      IAN will be closing the external blog resource page (currently at URL as it is not being used currently. If there is an interest in external blogs links this can be added to the family section of the IAN main site or on the blog resource page presently located at

IAN will keep the following resources open:

2.      The IAN blog located at  (This will inherit the URL once the page using it is closed.)

3.      The Twitter feed located at!/IANfamilies

It is IAN’s sincere wish to better serve its families with online access to information and recent posts to follow current information concerning families and international adoption.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Referral Acceptance

We have great news today, a referral acceptance! A wonderful family has accepted the referral of a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations to the happy family!

List movement is below:

 Infant girl: everyone after #8 move up 1 spot

Toddler girl: everyone after #3 move up 1 spot

 Family’s time on the waiting list: 1 year 8 months

Thursday, June 7, 2012

More Waiting Kids

There are new waiting kids on the website!

Please help IAN find all of our waiting kids a “Forever Home!”

Thank you very much for helping these waiting kids they should not be forgotten!

2012 Summer Picnic


Who: All current and former IAN families and their children.

Where: Belleview Park, 5001 S. Inca, Englewood, Colorado

When: Saturday, June 23, 2012 11 am until 1 pm

What: IAN will provide lunch, families can come and enjoy beautiful Belleview park and reconnect with other adoptive families.

Please RSVP via email to:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Referral Acceptance

We are happy to announce the referral acceptance of an adorable 8 month old little boy!!

Congratulations to the happy family!!

List movement is below:

Infant boy:  everyone after #4 moves up one spot

Family’s time on the wait list: 1 year 8 months